Roark Wine Company Loyalty Club
We invite you to become a part of our family by joining our Loyalty club!
There is no charge to join the Roark Wine club. By filling out this form you agree that your credit card will automatically be charged at the time of each shipment. We will contact you after receiving the completed form for payment information. Roark Wine Co. shipments occur two times a year. The cost per shipment depends upon the wine club level you choose to join. Shipping and tax will also be charged upon shipment. If you have any questions about the Roark Wine Company Loyalty Club or would like to send this as a gift, please contact us at 805.350.8027 or email
Six bottles twice a year
Receive six bottles of wine twice a year (April/November)
Approximate cost per shipment $175-225
Receive 10% discount on all wine purchases
Each installment of 6 bottles includes a mix of both red and white wine
Priority access to most limited bottlings
Access to exclusive wine club parties
Twelve bottles twice a year
Receive twelve bottles of wine twice a year (April/November)
Approximate cost per shipment $350-425
Receive 15% discount on all wine purchases
Each installment of 12 bottles includes a mix of both red and white wine
Priority access to most limited bottlings
Access to exclusive wine club parties
Additional information:
By joining our club, you kindly agree to take a minimum of 2 shipments
Club orders can be shipped
The recipient of this wine must be at least 21 years of age
If you choose to cancel the subscription prior to the two completed shipments, you will be charged a $50 cancellation fee